The DentiMax Kiosk will make the way you run dental paperless. From digital patient forms to streamlined check-in processes, experience another level by converting dental office to paperless through our kiosk feature. \
Are you sick and tired of giving your patients a pen and paper so that they can return a near illegible medical history form that you get to decipher and then re-enter into your computer? This is extra work for both you and your patients. There has got to be a better way, and there is!
Our all-new Kiosk dental software allows your patients to quickly and easily complete their information on a tablet PC! The days of manually entering patient forms into DentiMax are a thing of the past.
Having your patients complete or update patient info is now very efficient, very fast, high tech, and just plain cool.
(1) Instead of handing your patients paper forms attached to a clipboard, you will hand them a tablet.
(2) Using the Kiosk software on the tablet, new and current patients will update, or enter for the first time, all of their "paperwork" including the following:
This is how the DentiMax Kiosk’s Paperless Dental Software Works
- patient info
- primary/secondary insurance info
- medical info
- subscriber info
- responsible party info
- allergies
- complete health history
- and even electronic signatures!
(3) After your patient presses the submit button, their completed information will immediately appear on your computer!
If it looks complete and accurate, you can simply accept it "as is" or you can modify inaccurate/incomplete information and then accept it into DentiMax.
What Practices Said about Converting Their Dental Office to Paperless
Offices who use the DentiMax Kiosk report that it is a tremendous time saver and that their patients quickly pick up on it. If a patient can send a text message, they are going to be right at home with the DentiMax Kiosk – it’s that easy.
The Kiosk sales for just $499 and works great with any PC based tablet including the popular Microsoft Surface. It also works great with any PC based touchscreen laptop (which will give your patients the additional option to enter information through a keyboard).
Start saving time and call our paperless kiosk and practice management software experts Alicia and Brittany at (844) 889-4582.