September 1, 2022
Teeth stains can occur for a variety of reasons, but certain teeth-staining foods are more likely to cause staining than others. Coffee, tea, and red wine are all common culprits, as they contain pigments that can cling to tooth enamel. In addition, tooth enamel can be weakened by acidic foods and drinks, making it more susceptible to staining. Over time, teeth stains can affect confidence levels, oral health, and even your smile. In fact, over half of American adults feel self-conscious about their teeth. That’s why it’s essential to visit […]
August 16, 2022
Routine checkups are an essential part of maintaining good health and preventing disease. By seeing a doctor or other healthcare provider regularly, you can catch health problems early, when they’re more likely to be treatable. There are many types of routine checkups, and the frequency with which you should get them will depend on factors like age, family history, and overall health. Checkups that people should get regularly include physical exams, vision and hearing tests, as well as screenings for cancer and other diseases. Getting routine checkups can help to […]
August 1, 2022
Smiling has been shown to have a positive effect on physical and psychological health. Researchers have found that a smile can offer the same level of brain stimulation as 2,000 chocolate bars. Smiling relieves stress, helps promote social connections, and causes your brain to release dopamine and serotonin. Smiling provides you with a way to help your brain interpret the world more positively, and it can reduce the negative effects of stress on your body. The right dentists can help you to reap the benefits of smiling. Through the use […]
July 25, 2022
Adults over 65 face a myriad of dental health problems and affordable dental care can be a challenge. According to the CDC, around 1 in 5 adults aged 65 or older have lost all of their teeth and wear dentures. Unfortunately, having missing teeth or wearing dentures can affect nutrition. People with dentures may not be able to chew things such as fruits or vegetables, which can either be tough or full of seeds that may inevitably cause denture damage or discomfort. There are several reasons that seniors may have […]
July 14, 2022
Starting a dental practice can be an enduring and trying experience. With startup costs, new business responsibilities, and the transition from employee to being your own boss, it can be a lot. To help get you a head start on your journey, we’ve compiled a list of the most common mistakes to avoid when building a private practice in dentistry. Underestimating the cost At the end of the day, your practice is a business, and with any business, there are very high startup costs. On average, the startup expenses for […]