If you integrated DentiMax or DrFirst into your practice, you’ve probably been helped on a few phone calls with James Jackson. James is the one who makes sure your practice is up and running when he’s not helping existing customers with technical support and our design team with testing new features coming soon. James is an important part of your office, just as he’s an important part of the DentiMax team. We turned the blog over to James today, so you can learn a little bit about the person helping you start your DentiMax journey.

James Jackson Origins
I was born in Oakland, CA spent majority of my life living in northern California. When I was 6 years old, we moved to Hayward, CA where I attended Harder Elementary School and Cesar Chavez Middle School. After I was promoted from the 8th grade, we moved to Sacramento where I attended New Technology High School.
I played 3 sports while in high school, Basketball, Football, Soccer. Most of the jobs I’ve had have been in the retail/warehouse field. I grew tired of those kids up jobs and decided to go to ITT Tech to get an associates degree in Software Development. After I obtained my degree, my father convinced me to move out to Arizona and get a job there. I decided to do just that and moved out to Arizona. After 2 weeks I gained employment at Wage Works as a cobra processor. After about 1 and a half years, I decided to move back to California to be closer to my son . Spent the whole pandemic there and in 2021 I moved back to Arizona, about a month or so later I started working at the Glorious company known as DentiMax.
James Jackson After Work
I have many things that I am passionate about, but my top 2 things I am passionate about are video games and space. As with many people I was introduced to games at an early age. My grandmother had a Sega Genesis that I would play all of the classic Sega games on. As I grew older my passion for videos games never lessened. I still have most of my old consoles and I’ll never get rid of them.
My passion for space started also at an early age. My dad and I would take yearly winter trips to South Lake Tahoe to celebrate my birthday. We would snowboard, eat pizza, and play games. Best of all we would sit out on the deck of the cabin and look at the night sky. We would see all the stars, cosmic dust and sometimes the other planets. From then on, I’ve been passionate about the goings on in space and space travel.
Solving Problems
The thing I find most exciting about my job is the problem solving. Even more so if it involves probing the client’s DB with SQL to find issues/solutions. I’ve always loved problem solving in many aspects because the feeling I get when I solve an issue is wonderful. I also enjoy helping clients that are truly grateful for our help, that also gives me a wonderful feeling.
Did You Know?
My first 3 years of High School I had my own personal chair in the school’s office. Not because I was troublemaker but because I would get bored in class and yell out answers to the teacher’s questions just so we can move on to the next topic. This issue with this is that the teachers were not asking me for the answer, I would just blurt it out. So, when I would do that I would get sent to the office to do classwork alone.