Dental Imaging

Dental Imaging Articles

Imaging Software

DentiMax Dental Imaging Software is a complete, open platform imaging system. This means that this open dental imaging software works with other dental x-ray sensors. As well as intraoral cameras, panoramic machines, and cephalometric units.

Additionally, it also works with DentiMax dental practice management software. You won’t have to deal with double-entry because our dental imaging software links or bridges with your practice management software.

DentiMax offers several software choices to meet your imaging software needs. That is to say it links to Dentrix®, Eaglesoft®, Softdent®, Easydental®, PracticeWorks®, and virtually all other practice management software. As a result, the software allows you to capture x-rays from any digital sensor you choose.


Affectionately termed the Dream Sensors, the DentiMax digital dental x-ray sensor represents the latest technology in dental radiography. These sensors excel in every area, including image quality, patient comfort and hardware/software compatibility.

Experience for yourself why the DentiMax Dream Sensor earned the Dental Advisor’s Editors’ Choice award and a 4.8 out of 5 from Dental Product Shopper – the highest score ever given to a dental sensor.

Read our current and past articles in the imaging archives to stay up to date on the newest developments in DentiMax Imaging.

November 14, 2019

Use the Dream Sensor to Capture to Dexis

Imaging software and dental sensor integration is one of the most common concerns for dentists. According to a Software Advice report, digital sensor integration is the most requested software functionality among dentists. That is why DentiMax developed the DentiMax Native Capture Module, which allows the Dream Sensor to natively capture to Dexis ® without the need for a TWAIN driver. What is the Native Capture Module? The DentiMax Native Capture Module allows you to use the DentiMax Dream Sensor directly into the Dexis Imaging Suite™. Whether you have Dexis® 9 […]
August 29, 2019

The ClikStik and ComfyRay Positioners Are Awesome

Over the years, we have used different positioning systems and have discovered the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Although each had its advantages, we couldn’t find the perfect solution. Then we discovered the ClikStik and ComfyRay positioners. Seven reasons why the ClikStik and ComfyRay positioners will help you take better X-rays. Positioners Fit to the Sensor Both of these systems fit the sensor. A lot of other sensor companies use the Rinn XCP-DS Fit positioners, which are one-size-fits-all. They’ve got a rubber band and they stretch so you […]
April 15, 2019

The Illusion of Warranties You Should Know About

This year, I was able to witness a new trend in the Midwinter Meeting in Chicago and the Yankee Dental Congress in Boston when it comes to digital intraoral sensors. Nearly every digital sensor vendor was talking about the same thing. To my surprise, it wasn’t the price or the image quality that everyone was buzzing about. It was the warranties that came with the sensors! I noticed that there are many sensor manufacturers and resellers who are changing the verbiage associated with their warranty. Some of the verbiage I […]
April 3, 2019

Cloud Based Dental Software vs. On Premise

Trying to decide between cloud based dental software or on-premise software? Here, we list some things to consider for your practice. Things to Consider Between On-Premise and Cloud Based Software Here are the five things to think about when selecting what type of software makes sense for your dental office. Internet and Networking When installing new software and operating it between computers, you will need some network configuration. If you want it to run on a local, private network, then an on-premise solution is a great option. Because of this […]
December 12, 2018

Does Gendex®/VixWin® Integrate with our Sensors?

How does a dental sensor like DentiMax's integrate with Gendex VixWin and their Gendex Dental Imaging system? We'll walk you through how the dental imaging workflow works.
September 7, 2018

Using Creativity To Get The Best Digital X-Rays

Introducing DentiMax Dental Sensors to the Critics After DentiMax Imaging Director Jim Ramey presented his digital X-ray sensors to a room full of skeptical dentists and scientists back in 2011, he knew he had created something special. Ramey and DentiMax’s co-founder, David Arnett, didn’t know what to expect when they brought the DentiMax Dream Sensors to a product review event hosted by Gordon J. Christensen’s Clinicians Report team in Provo, Utah. As they waited, they watched each previous group exit the review room with "their heads down and their tail […]
August 31, 2018

Perfect Dental Images With These Sensor Accessories

The dental sensor accessories you'll need for your dental office to take perfect dental images.
August 17, 2018

Cloud Software – What Does it Mean For Your Practice?

We use all sorts of crazy acronyms, phrases and buzzwords. But my favorite all-time buzzword is "the cloud" as in "my software works on the cloud." When I first heard this, I wanted to ask if we were talking about cumulus or stratus clouds. But the more I learned about this technology, the more impressed I was about what it could mean for dental offices. According to Microsoft, cloud computing describes the delivery of services – such as storage, databases, software and others– over the Internet. But this boring definition […]
April 20, 2018

What Is a TWAIN Driver? A Comprehensive Guide in 2024

Commonly called "Technology Without An Interesting Name," TWAINs are very important. They are also a relatively unknown technology in the imaging industry. Jim Ramey, DentiMax Imaging Director, explains what a TWAIN driver is. TWAIN, is a protocol that allows an imaging device to acquire an image (initially flat-bed scanners). It saves that image directly into a "TWAIN compliant" imaging software application. Software applications (such as Photoshop) need this information. There is quite a bit more to it these days. But initially, this is what exactly the TWAIN protocol is. Where […]
March 5, 2018

Will DentiMax Dental Sensors Work in Eaglesoft ®/ Patterson ® Imaging?

How DentiMax' dental sensors work when it comes to capturing dental xrays in Eaglesoft.
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